Vulnerability Management (VM)

Unified View. Actionable Insights.

Consolidate scans from various tools. Prioritize Threats based on real risk, not just volume.
Streamline remediation for stronger overall security posture.

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Proactive Vulnerability Management

Identify and assess vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers.


Data breaches exploit known vulnerabilities.

Reduce your risk with proactive vulnerability management.


Security Teams spend 80% Time on low risk vulnerabilities

Free up your team to focus on critical threats.


From Detection to Resolution - Streamlined Vulnerability Management.

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Unified Vulnerability View

Consolidate scans from various tools (SAS,DAST) for a comprehensive vulnerability overview.

Risk Based prioritization

Focus remediation efforts on high risk vulnerabilities with real time threat intelligence.

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly import vulnerability data from existing security tools for a unified view.

Streamlined Audit Management

Effortlessly plan, schedule and track vulnerability audits for clear and efficient remediation process.

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Automated Workflows

Streamline vulnerability management with scheduled scans, automated reporting, and lifecycle tracking.

Actionable Insights & Recommendations

Leverage a recommendation engine and escaltion matrix to prioritize vulnerabilities and guide remediation steps.

Unify & Secure Your Global Enterprise

Gain a single, consolidated view of your vulnerabilities across all subsidiaries, empowering centralized security management and risk mitigation for your entire organization

Group-Level Security Oversight

Empower group management with centralized visibility into the vulnerabilities of all subsidiaries. Access detailed security reports, drill down into specific subsidiary data, and make informed decisions for enterprise-wide security strategy.

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Use Case

SecureNexus Vulnerability Management empowers organizations to take control of their security posture by providing the tools and insights needed to proactively identify, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them. Our comprehensive solution goes beyond basic scanning, offering a unified view of your security posture and actionable data for informed decision-making. .

  • Streamlined Remediation Workflows
  • Improved Security Posture
  • Simplified Compliance Reporting
  • Prioritized Patch Management
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can SecureNexus VM help my organization improve its overall security posture?

SecureNexus VM helps you proactively identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. It prioritizes remediation based on risk, automates tasks, and provides a clear view of your security posture with a vulnerability scorecard. This allows you to focus resources on the most critical issues and improve your overall security posture.

Does SecureNexus VM provide any automated remediation recommendations for identified vulnerabilities?

Yes, SecureNexus VM goes beyond identification. It offers a recommendation engine suggesting remediation steps and prioritizes vulnerabilities based on real-time threat intelligence. By integrating with vulnerability databases, it provides context and potential remediation actions, empowering your team to address vulnerabilities efficiently.

How does SecureNexus VM differentiate between critical, high, medium, and low-risk vulnerabilities?

SecureNexus VM uses a multi-factor scoring system that considers factors like impact, exploitability, asset criticality etc. This comprehensive approach gives you an accurate risk score for each vulnerability, helping you prioritize remediation efforts effectively.

Does SecureNexus VM offer any free trials or demos for evaluation?

Yes! Experience SecureNexus VM firsthand with a free trial. Our team is also happy to tailor a demo to your specific needs. Get in touch to learn more!


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