Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Know Your Code. Own Your Security.

From legacy code to cutting-edge applications, SecureNexus SCA provides a comprehensive view of your codebase. Identify prioritize and remediate your vulnerabilities. Own Your Security

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Identifiy Open Source Vulnerabilities

Proactively identify and address security risks in your code.


Applications Contain Open Source Code.

Minimize risk by securing your open source dependencies.


Reduction in Security Review Time.

Automate analysis and prioritize critical vulnerabilities.


Safeguard Your Software Supply Chain with SecureNexus SCA

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Automated Dependency Mapping

Gain instant visibility into all open-source and third party components used in your code.

SBOM Generation

Simplify supply chain management with a comprehensive SBOM of all your software components.

Open Source Governance

Define and enforce custom policies to manage open-source library usage and ensure alignment with your security requirements.

Vulnerability Detection

Proactively identify and address security risks within your open-source dependencies.

License Compliance Assurance

Ensure your software adhere's to the licensing regulations and avoid accidental non-compliance.

Outdated Components Alerts

Receive early warnings about outdated or end-of-life components in your codebase..

Malicious Components Scanning

Identify malicious components within your code base to prevent potential breaches and vulnerabilities.

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Unify & Secure Your Global Enterprise

Gain a single, consolidated view of your software composition across all subsidiaries, empowering centralized security management and risk mitigation for your entire organization

Group-Level Security Oversight

Empower group management with centralized visibility into the software composition of all subsidiaries. Access detailed security reports, drill down into specific subsidiary data, and make informed decisions for enterprise-wide security strategy.

Use Case

SecureNexus SCA empowers organizations of all sizes to gain complete control over the open-source and third-party components within their codebase. Our advanced solution provides automated analysis and insightful reporting, allowing you to identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers.

This proactive approach to code security ensures you're building applications with confidence and mitigating risks associated with external dependencies. SecureNexus SCA offers value across a wide range of use cases.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does SCA integrate into the development workflow?

SecureNexus SCA seamlessly integrates with your development lifecycle. It can be set up to automatically scan code during pull requests, CI/CD pipelines, or at scheduled intervals. This allows developers to identify and address vulnerabilities early in the development process, minimizing delays and rework.

What reporting capabilities does SCA offer?

SCA offers a variety of reports to help you understand your codebase security posture. These include detailed vulnerability reports, license compliance summaries, and Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs).

Does SCA offer support for specific coding languages or frameworks?

Yes, SecureNexus SCA supports a wide range of popular coding languages and frameworks. This ensures comprehensive analysis of your codebase, regardless of the technologies used.

Does SecureNexus offer any free trials or demos for SCA?

We understand the importance of trying before you buy! SecureNexus SCA offers free trials that allow you to explore the platform's capabilities and see how it integrates with your development workflow. Additionally, our team is happy to provide personalized demos tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more!


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